Voyager Craft Malt

Voyager Craft Malt

Our families have been producing high quality barley and other cereal grains for 4 generations in the small rural town of Barellan. Situated in the heart of the Riverina/Murrumbidgee Irrigation area amongst the rich fertile fields that grow our diverse range of malting grains. Our on-farm craft malting facility offers enhance resource efficiency and also the opportunity for visitors to connect firsthand with sustainable agricultural practices and the growers responsible for producing the high quality grains we malt.

Craft beer and spirits are products of agriculture. We started Voyager to put the spotlight back on the farm and farmer and bridging the disconnect between consumers and the land. We work closely with our local growers, (all family owned and independent) to ensure that the efforts and sacrifices made to deliver high quality cereal grains, in the most sustainable way are rewarded, and recognised.